Brain of Brian


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Please email me (bahume {at} humenet [dot] net) if you are interested in using my source code in your own project.

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GLSL Cloaking Shader

Dec 2010
The Predator/Doom Style cloak shaders are a GLSL shader that I wrote to replace the boring translucent effect commonly used in the open source Doom port GZDoom. The first 2 pictures show the classic versions that I made to mimic the original Doom style of fuzz/cloak effect. The second set of 2 pictures if a modified version I made, the one makes the monster have a sort of TV static invisibility, and the other combines the static with a larger scale jittering effect.
GZDoom can be downloaded here, and Doom can be bought here or a free fan made version can be downloaded here
To view the effect press tilde and type "summon spectre" in the console, to select the different effects go into the Options\Display Options\OpenGL Options\Preferences and switch between the various "Fuzz Styles". The effects will still animate while the menu is open.
Type: Demo

OpenGL 3.3+
Windows XP sp2
Game Any Doom engine game


Zero Worm Hole

Mar 2001
The Worm Hole is a graphical demo I made of two worm holes colliding to form a single large worm hole. It was build off an attempt I made at creating a Mandelbrot viewer; I played around with the values a bit and noticed that it produced an interesting effect.
Type: Demo

DosBox 0.62+


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